Useful Links
We have listed a selection of organisations used to dealing with bereavement. It can sometimes be easier to talk to a stranger on a telephone about the things that you are going through than it is to talk to a person that is close to you.
Alternatively please contact us. We are here to support you.

At Adair Funeral Directors we understand that after the funeral is the beginning of your future journey. We want to continue to support you as you embark upon this journey and are therefore very proud to announce that we are partners with SAIF Care.
SAIF Care is a service offered by Funeral Directors that are members of The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF).
SAIF Care provides a range of services to bereaved people, over the age of 18, including:
• A freephone telephone helpline 0800 917 7224
• Email support and information
• Up to six free sessions of supportive counselling by telephone, skype or face to face in your local area.
SAIF Care services are offered by friendly staff who are trained in counselling and bereavement skills and who will be able to listen and support you.
SAIF Care Associate Counsellors are highly skilled and qualified. They will be able to help you to understand your experience of grief, develop self-care, coping strategies and support you to deal with the challenges you may be facing.
SAIF Care services are available Monday– Friday, from 9am–9pm,
SAIF Care is confidential and free of charge to people who have used the services of Adair Funeral Directors.
For more information please call:
Adair Funeral Directors on: 028 427 57222 or
SAIF Care on: 0800 917 7224

Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. The organisation provides counselling and support. It offers information, advice, education and training services. They can be contacted by clicking on the website link below, or by telephone.
Day by Day Helpline Young Person’s Helpline Freephone
0870 167 1677 0808 808 1677

The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support to people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. They can be contacted by clicking on the website link below, or by telephone.
The Samaritans 24 hour Helpline
08457 90 90 90

Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (Sands) exists to help those who have experienced the death of a baby. They can be contacted by clicking the link below.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) exists to meet the needs and break the isolation of those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend. They offer emotional and practical support and can be contacted by clicking the link below.

In certain circumstances (if you are on a low income) the government can help with the costs of the funeral. To find out more use the link below